Shiraz, The city of love, poetry, history & Irans cultural Capital

Shiraz, The city of love, poetry, history & Irans cultural capital.

Home of the world-renowned poets and philosophers – Hafiz & Saadi.

Shiraz was once the chosen capital of Iran during 1750 until 1800s, during the rule of the Zand dynasty. Shiraz has remained Irans cultural capital; filled with architectural magnificence; incredible food and festivals.

شیراز دل زنده به سحر عشق

What makes Shiraz a must visit destination?

Continue reading to learn about the top reasons that make Shiraz a must visit destination during your Iran trip.

City of love & poetry

It won’t take long for visitors to understand how Shiraz is known as the city of love and poetry, upon your arrival. Shiraz is the hometown of two of the most influential poets and philosophers in Irans history and the impact they had on the Persian culture and language is still visible all over town. Visit the tombs of Saadi and Hafiz; make sure you take some time to reflect and read their stories and sections of the masterpieces they wrote. We are sure it will be a mini spiritual journey awaiting you upon your arrival.


People watching and connecting with the locals is a big part of any travel experience and we have reason to believe people watching in Shiraz could be a lifestyle. We could spend the whole day meeting locals, sharing stories and making friends here.

The food

Trying new dishes in a new city is inevitable and we are excited to tell you the food culture in Shiraz is incredible. Anyone visiting must try Shirazi salad, Masghati and Ranginak upon arrival. Kalam polo is one of our personal favorited; a classic dish cooked all over Iran, but the way it’s done in Shiraz is different and so delicious.

The back-alley adventures

Simply getting lost in the streets and back alleys of Shiraz is a delightful retreat on its own.

Persian Garden galore

Shiraz is home to some of the most beautiful Persian gardens and pavilions dating back to the Safavid and Qajar eras. Witnessing the significant arches, artwork and the detailed architecture of these gardens take our breath away every time. Make sure you visit Narenjestan Garden and Eram Garden during your stay.

Pink Mosque

The Nasir al Mulk Mosque knowns as the Pink Mosque has become one of the most photographed sites in Shiraz and took 12 years to complete during the rule of the Qajar dynasty. Watching the way sunrays dance through the colored mosaics is a mesmerizing experience. Make sure you get there during sunrise hours for the best experience.

Faloudeh Ice cream

Faloudeh is a traditional dessert; originally from Shiraz. It’s mouthwatering mixture of chilled vermicelli rice noodles, rose water and lime juice and although it can be found all over the country; the way it is made in Shiraz is different and an absolute must try.


Standing on the birthplace one of the greatest empires and the ceremonial hub of the first Persian Empire, is without a doubt one of those experiences that will stay with you forever. Make sure you book a qualified guide to ensure you take full advantage of your visit and give yourself enough time to ponder and take it all in.

Art Galleries & Museums

Visiting Adel Yazdis Art Gallery is a must while you are in Shiraz. The artist who took his creations outside of his home to beautify a whole neighborhood. His gallery carries everything from pieces made from natural elements, graffities and pieces that carry so many stories within them. We loved that we were able to meet him in person when we visited.

Another must visit museum is called Gol-O-Morgh Museum and it showcases paintings, woodcarved pieces and delicate tile arts.

Shiraz - persepolis

Bazaar Strolls

One of the must visit traditional markets in Iran, right around the corner from the Vakil mosque, and the Vakil bath house in the city center. Hidden within the Vakil bazaar; there are courtyards, caravanserais, old square shops and all the spices, antiques, handicrafts and souvenirs one could dream of.

How To get there

Shiraz in located on the southern province of Fars and is accessible by VIP busses, trains and flights; depending on which city you are departing from, your time and budget. The team at the Pasargad Travel Agency will be able to guide you with planning your transport, if you choose to explore on your own.

Best time to visit

Considering the dry climate of Shiraz, fall and spring would be the best time to visit for optimal weather. Keep in mind that Shiraz is one of the most popular cities for locals to visit during the Persian new year holidays and booking in advance is recommended during the holidays which is around mid-march.

Where to stay

one of the trends we’ve been loving is the restoration of traditional houses and converting them to boutique hotels. They are popping up everywhere and Shiraz is the central hub for it.

Oscuru Boutique Hotel: this boutique hotel is a must visit in our opinion. It’s a classic traditional home, located in the old part of town and it was definitely one of our favorite stays.

Explore Shiraz with a team of experts and local guides by booking through Pasargad Travel Agency. Our agents are here to help you customize your dream travel experience. We will visit all the highlights during our 14 day classic tour.