Kerman, long history and strong cultural heritage

Kerman, long history and strong cultural heritage

Kerman, the city of an amazing civilization and culture in the middle of the desert, inhabited by warm hearted and hospitable people, with some of the most delicious dishes on earth and stunning historical sites, has turned into one of the most visited places of Iran in the recent years; a tour package we plan here at Pasargad Travel.

kerman کرمان

Kerman tourist attraction

Bagh-e-Shazdeh or the Prince’s Garden is one of Kerman’s highlights and one of the nine Persian gardens that have been registered as Iran’s natural and cultural heritage in the UNESCO list.

The significance of these gardens is the combination of natural and man-made items as well as perfect choice of flora and their unique location in the garden. This garden consists of two building structures. One at the entrance as the opening to the garden and a two-story building at the end. The distance between the two have been decorated with water fountains that are naturally powered by water pressure taken from the incline of the land.

The two main souvenirs of Kerman are the famous two c’s: copper and cumin. While visiting the old bazar (which is the second oldest bazaar in Iran after the Tabriz bazaar), you will see and smell an abundance of cumin and of course the famous shiny artifacts made with the copper of Kerman. The traditional bazaar extends for 1.5 km’s starting from the Arg square to the Mushtaqieh square. The old bazaar also known as the Vakil bazaar dates back to the 8th century AH.

The Ganjali Khan mosque is close to the old bazaar; this complex includes a bath, coin museum, Ganjali Khan caravanserai and the school. This structure is built with an Isfahani style during the Safavid era and is included in our visit of Kerman.

kerman attractions

Natural attractions of Kerman

Kerman being in the margins of Iran’s great Lut Desert; one of the hottest and driest places on earth also a UNESCO registered site, embraces the worldly known Kaluts or Yardangs of the desert.  These erosional historic masterpieces are carved by thousands of years by wind and rain which make a must see in your visit to Kerman, the best time to visit Kaluts are early morning or late afternoon by the sunset due to the dramatic changing of colors.

Bam, a city just 2 hours south of Kerman is known for its famous sandcastle city “Arg-e-Bam” built in the Achaemenid period (6th to 4th centuries) which later became one of the main hubs of the silk road. This town is the greatest mud-made medieval city in the world and is absolutely a must see during your visit of Kerman. It got severely damaged due to the Bam earthquake in 2003, but 15 years of restoration brought this city back to life.

kerman nature

Our Kerman tour is an absolute drawcard which we highly recommend, this tour is usually offered during the winter due to the nature of Kerman’s desert climate. Looking forward to having you on board.

Pasargad Travel, a journey worth telling.